Publishing your asset pack

This page shows the steps necessary to publish your asset pack to any asset store. Asset stores are npm registries, and therefore, publishing an asset pack is same as publshing an npm package. Only thing you have to worry about is putting the manifest file and the readme file in your package correctly. You can publish your asset pack to any npm registry including the private ones. Just make sure you change your commands below accordingly.

Make sure you create a user in asset store

Before you can publish your asset pack to an npm regstry, you need an account with a username and a password from the registry. You can create an account in an npm registry by executing the command below with the location of the registry.

npm adduser --registry [registry location]

where [registry location] is the path to an npm registry like or This will ask you for a username, a password and an email to be used with the asset store. Note that the --registry option is optional in this command and the registry defaults to if you do not provide one.

Publish asset pack

Next go to the asset pack folder and execute the command:

npm publish --registry [registry location]

If no error has occured, your asset pack will be published to the asset store. You can go to the asset store at and search for this asset pack and look at the version and description. If you encounter an error make sure:

  • you have package.json file with a valid package name and version in the asset pack folder
  • a package with the same name does not exist in the asset store
  • the same version is not in the asset store already.

If you are publishing a scoped package (i.e. a package that has a slash in its name like @idutta/mypackage) and want make your package available to all you may have to add --access public to your command as follows:

npm publish --registry [registry location] --access public

Upgrading your asset pack

If you already have published your asset pack to the asset store and want to make further changes, you have to bump up the version number in your package.json file before publishing. After a change to your asset pack execute the following commnds to publish the next version of the asset pack.

npm version patch
npm publish --registry